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Over 2000 Boards Sold!

Reviews 5-star rating

Lifetime Cutting Boards


"Every piece is made from sustainable urban wood, sourced from Earth to Table; personalized to tell a story"

Aztec artwork on cutting board

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Saintlywood Mission

Uniquely Yours

It is our mission to deliver unique pieces of functional art to your table that have a handcrafted touch. In an age of big tech and mass production (IKEA, Wayfair), we strive to spark a counterculture by making distinct, tailored wood furnishings available to many.  Consumer demand has grown us to this point because our customers do not want to be limited to standard shapes and sizes. We believe people are vastly unique and deserve a one-of-a-kind piece to help tell their story, to mark events, to laugh around; one that is tailored to how they enjoy their home and love ones.

We perform this mission by partnering with the urban wood sources and bringing every piece from root to table. We examine every piece for maximum beauty before cutting, shaping, and loving every single piece to enhance and exemplify mother nature's beauty, and at the same time giving it a functional form. Our pieces are not confined to single foot prints and shapes. They are free form and without a mold and hopefully they can make long lasting memories and help your family grow roots in any direction you choose.

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